Total Seal’s YouTube channel has been uploading some golden nuggets of truth, lately. In this case, they take a closer look at break-in oil, and if it’s really needed for a freshly-built engine. There are several different varieties on the market; from different manufacturers, and in different viscosities.
But is it all just marketing hype, or is there legit science behind it? Well, that’s what our friends at Total Seal are about to explain in the video above. Our friends Lake Speed Jr. (son of NASCAR racer, Lake Speed), and Keith Jones over at Total Seal unpack it all here. As they ex[lain, there is no real “official formulation” for break-in oil. There’s no SAE standard, nothing that says that it requires X, Y, and Z to qualify as a break in oil. So what is break-in oil, what makes it such a thing, and why is something that has no official formulation marketed as such?
Well our friends touch on this in the video above, as well as break down the information in three different videos, as well as a break in oil analysis from SPEEDiagnostix HERE.