Let’s face it; we could all learn a little something when it comes to building an engine, and unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information out there found in message forums and all over the the internet. These days, many of us have the tendency to seek information from wherever we can get it, from message forums, a friend, or from the guy behind the counter of the local parts store.
Sometimes the info is accurate, but more than often, it isn’t. Luckily, our friends at COMP Cams know this all too well. With the help of veteran technical writer, Richard Holdener, and the crew at Westech Performance, they’re conducting a new video series called, “Back to Basics,” providing quick and simple tips to help budding engines builders with their first project.
Richard Holdener, featured in this video, has penned many engine building books and has written tons of technical articles for both print and digital magazines in the past. He’s well-respected in the industry, and he pretty much lives at Westech, covering some of the most wicked LS builds that the shop has been pumping out for the last several years.

Richard Holdener discusses lifter preload, lifter preload, how to adjust pushrod length, defining valve lash, and the benefits of a hardened pushrod over the the standard, OEM piece.
He walks us through the process of how to measure pushrod length for your application. In this case, it’s an LS3 in need of longer pushrods after a recent cam and cylinder head swap.
Richard discusses lifter preload, how to adjust pushrod length, defining valve lash, and the benefits of a hardened pushrod over the the standard, OEM piece.
This is a quick, 2.5-minute video that’s perfect for someone who could use tips on building his or her first LS engine. So take a few minutes to check out out, you might just learn something – and be sure to keep an eye on GM EFI, as we plan to keep you updated as the series progress!